Secrets that Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Don’t Want You to Know

The criminal justice system can be a mystery. Defendants usually have no idea everything that’s going on behind the scenes at a police station or in a prosecutor’s office. However, defense attorneys do know the secrets that prosecutors and law enforcement don’t want you to know. We will look at some of those secrets in this article.

Secrets You Need to Know

When faced with police or prosecutors, remember the following things:

  • Everything you say to the police and prosecutors is “on the record.”
  • You don’t have to talk to the police or prosecutor before you get an attorney.
  • The police can lie to you during interrogations – but not all lies are legally acceptable.
  • You have the right to ask if you are free to leave the scene or an interview.
  • You are allowed to refuse field sobriety tests.
  • Refusing a field sobriety test does not mean you are guilty.
  • Police breathalyzers and speed guns are often incorrectly calibrated.
  • The police really can get your DNA from something you’ve thrown in the trash.
  • Trash bags you put out on trash day can be a treasure trove for prosecutors.
  • In most situations, you don’t have to let them into your house or your car without a warrant.
  • Innocent people do get charged with crimes and sent to prison.

Many of these secrets involve methods that law enforcement and prosecutors use to gather evidence against you, whether you are guilty or not. It seems unfair, and there are some defenses against these actions.

How to “Fight” Secrets

Know your rights. Be aware of the rights that criminal defendants have because prosecutors and law enforcement will not tell you.

Get help as soon as possible. Don’t try to deal with prosecutors and law enforcement by yourself. You need someone by your side who understands how the police and prosecutors work.

Learn How to Deal with What Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Hiding

For one thing, remember that the police detectives are doing their job – which is to solve crimes. Prosecutors are doing their job – which is to prosecute someone for a crime. Neither one really cares about what is in your best interests. Only your criminal defense attorney is there to represent you.

Call (425) 747-0582 for a free consultation with lawyer Sarah Cho at Peak Justice. She gladly uses her experience and training to assist clients like you. From her office located in Bellevue, Washington, Ms. Cho represents clients throughout the Seattle area.

Defense You Can Trust When Your Future Is at Stake

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